Linux-Misc Digest #332, Volume #27               Sun, 11 Mar 01 11:13:03 EST

  What to use to view .ram files with KDE2.1 (Ramin Sina)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Andrew Purugganan)
  script errors
  Re: Shutdown Linux without a keyboard (Douglas Bollinger)
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Robert Heller)
  Re: direct restart after compiling the kernel???? (Adam 
  Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE! (Robert Heller)
  how to print with GIMP? (Rick)
  Re: direct restart after compiling the kernel???? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: how to print with GIMP? (Rick)
  Re: (LESS HUGE) Re: Do I need Lilo to boot from a partition? (F. Heitkamp)


From: Ramin Sina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What to use to view .ram files with KDE2.1
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 13:13:54 GMT

Hi all,

Does anything come with KDE2.1 to view .ram files? I tried varoius choices 
from the "Multimedia" panel. None seem to work.

Ramin Sina


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: 11 Mar 2001 13:13:01 GMT

Steve Withers ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[ I think it's web site dependent. I can surf for longer than 10-15
[ minutes....then hit a strong of sites that bring me down faster than
[ that. 

[ Netscape can also crash X11R6 qute nicely...usually once per day.
[ Usually when in Mail....BOOM...command line. 

A while back there was a post about this problem, and IIRC the writer was 
advised to make sure that Netscape's font path is part of X's as well. Or 
something to that effect
I don't know if you can search deja, you might wind up with a ton of matches
Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


Subject: script errors
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 13:30:05 -0000

I keep getting script errors  on line so or so when I access me internet 
banking .

It ask me if i want to go on or not. If I say yes then is won't load up 
some of my information that I need to get the information on my account 
llke account information or balance information

What should I do to correct.


Posted via CNET


From: Douglas Bollinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Shutdown Linux without a keyboard
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 08:04:44 -0500

[This followup was posted to comp.os.linux.misc and a copy was sent 
to the cited author.]

Marius at [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...

> Does anybody know how to shut a linux machine down over another hardware 
> (like just pressing a button on my desk) ? Is there some software that 
> recocnizes short circuit on com 1... which then shuts down the machine?

I haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but you can setup GPM ( the 
console mouse program) to execute various SU tasks by tying them to 
certain mouse buttons via a triple click.  For instance, "shutdown -
r 0" by pressing the the 3rd mouse button 3 times.

Now, having a mouse hooked to the serial port might be a 
inconvenience, but who says you have to do that?  A simple serial 
port schematic will tell you the pins you need for ground, button 3 
(or whatever button) and a trip to the electronic store for a DB-9 
connector and some wire should make this a easy project. Oh, and 
don't forget a nice, big red SPST switch! :)

You should be able to run the wire quite a ways without problems, 
since you are using just the button and not the actual RX/TX 
functions of the serial port.  "man gpm" for more info.  Have fun!

Douglas Bollinger
Mt. Holly Springs, PA

My other computer runs Linux.


Date: 11 Mar 2001 7:36:37 -0500
From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.setup

Gene Heskett sends Greetings to Steve Withers;

 SW> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve Withers wrote:
>> >If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.
>> [...]
>> I gave up on Netscape and tried Opera 5 a couple months ago.  I liked it so
>> much I bought two copies (though the free versions with the ads was
>> perfectly usable).

 SW> I didn't think Opera 5 for Linux was out yet....I'll have a look. 

Oh it's out, Steve, but although its the fastest browser by a wide
margin, it also has rendering problems at times, plus I have not yet
figured out how to hold my mouth right to get the downloading to work

Other operations it does quite well, like I can browse for half an hour,
decide to go back to someplace I was before, and it goes back to the
beginning just as fast as you can click the mouse and still see where it
backed up to.

What it does do, it does very quickly, reasonably well, but its other
wibblies put it in the not quite ready for prime time column IMO.  Java
doesn't work, nor https yet.

Its been out about 3 weeks that I know of, and I keep looking for
another upgrade, but it appears the revenue from the add-supported
version doesn't allow a fulltime effort.  Registration is 40 bucks to
get rid of the adds, but until it works more consistently at downloads,
I think I'll pass thank you, and I suspect the actual registration count
might be pretty low.

My $0.02

Cheers, Gene
  Gene Heskett, CET, UHK       |Amiga A2k Zeus040, Linux @ 500mhz 
        email gene underscore heskett at iolinc dot net
#Amiga based X10 home automation program EZHome, see at:#
This messages reply content, but not any previously quoted material,
is © 2001 by Gene Heskett, all rights reserved.


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: 11 Mar 2001 07:27:30 -0600

  "Robert L. Cochran Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Sun, 11 Mar 2001 00:46:10 -0500, wrote :

"LCJ> I have to agree, Netscape 4.x (on any platform) is a badly broken
"LCJ> product. In Linux, you can't really get the beautiful page renderings
"LCJ> that Internet Explorer does. There is no browser anywhere near as good
"LCJ> as Internet Explorer. My nonprogrammer wife comments that Netscape just
"LCJ> doesn't render pages nicely and she prefers Microsoft Windows 9x simply
"LCJ> because she gets Internet Explorer. 
"LCJ> Soon, people will talk about a "Netscape job" to mean "poor quality
"LCJ> work". 

One thing *I* have noticed: there are many *poorly* designed web pages
(poorly designed == designed for only one browser) out there.  FrontPage
tends to create HTML code that tends to unviewable with Netscape (I
have NO idea what it looks like under IE -- I don't use MS-Windows and
thus don't use IE).   Another thing: I use Netscape 4.51 on my RedHat
5.2 system and it rarely crashes, but the *most* often crashes (99-100%)
are with pages with multimedia advertising.  Probably the *biggest*
offender in (which is an ASP/IIS/NT side).

"LCJ> -- 
"LCJ> Bob Cochran
"LCJ> I am a student of Linux, Java, database and web development.
"LCJ> Steve Withers wrote:
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> > If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> > I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
"LCJ> > 2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT.
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> > I have "kill-9" permanently in my command line buffer.....Netscape craps
"LCJ> > out usually within 10-15 minutes of active use. What happens MOST often
"LCJ> > with Netscape 6.0 is that links cease to be active. Nothing reacts to a
"LCJ> > mouse click. It may aswell have crashed....and when I do a PS-A...I see
"LCJ> > about 20 Java VMs all stacked up. Eh?
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> > I need Java do I have any options? Opera? Konqueror?
"LCJ> > Haven't tried either recently....tried Opera like 3 years ago.....
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> > MS Explorer is starting to look good to me..... :-(
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> > --
"LCJ> >  Regards,
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> >  Steve Withers
"LCJ> >  Registered Linux user #24688
"LCJ> >
"LCJ> > 
"LCJ> >  "First, they ignore you. Then they
"LCJ> >  laugh at you. Then they fight you.
"LCJ> >  Then you win." Mahatma Ghandi

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153

Posted Via Nuthinbutnews Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
          ** SPEED ** RETENTION ** COMPLETION **


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam =?iso-8859-2?Q?Podstawczy=F1ski?=)
Subject: Re: direct restart after compiling the kernel????
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 14:36:17 +0100

Peter T. Breuer, napisa³o Ci siê:
> Adam Podstawczyski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Rolf Marvin Boe Lindgren, napisao Ci sie:
> >> [cbbrowne]
> >> | # make dep clean bzlilo modules modules_install; shutdown -r now
> >> 
> >> surely
> >> 
> >> # make dep clean bzlilo modules modules_install && shutdown -r now
> > Both wrong, where's the lilo command? :-)
> In the make bzlilo. Not that I'd ever do it with eyes shut like that!

My apologies, just skipped it too fast... but it's true, I wouldn't like to
automate lilo reinstallation, too.

Adam Podstawczyñski


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Better Web Browser...PLEASE!
Date: 11 Mar 2001 08:02:28 -0600

  In a message on Sun, 11 Mar 2001 08:10:23 -0500, wrote :

R> I wonder how much of this "onderful pag rendering" is because you are
R> viewing pages written by a Microsoft app for a microsoft app.

Yeah, I think this might be the case -- I have encountered a number of
truly horrible web sites and can practically tell just by looking at
them that they are FrontPage abominations.

There are some things that IE 'supports' that are really bad:

It supports *Microsoft's* special characters.  I regularly see web
pages that *seem* to use '?' instead of ''' -- there seems to be some
Microsoft idea that wants to avoid the ASCII code 39 in favor of some
128+ code.

There is an ISP or free webpage hosting service that started to 'ban'
pages that were broken in Netscape.  The owner/operator of the service
had gotten some complaints about the web pages on his server.  He has an
'example' web site that totally does not work under Netscape, not
because Netscape is broken, but because the website uses non-standard
things most (all?) of which have no chance of ever passing the WWW standards

A BMP background image.
The use of '\' in an URL (instead of '/').
Heavy use of 'Microsoft' characters (instead of proper ASCII characters
or 'standard' &xxx; codes).

This page really looks *bad* with netscape.

(And no, I cannot find this site off the top of my head.  I *think* I
got a pointer to it from, but I am not sure.)

There are about 6-8 things that IE 'supports' that are non-standard
(Microsoft specific).  In fact, some if these things even break IE on
MacOS!  The 'defenders' of IE claim that IE supports the 'standard'
more closely than Netscape.  Yes, Netscape has support for a bunch of
'non standard' extensions, but when Netscape does this it follows the
conventional tag usage.  IE supports 'extensions' that are NOT tag based
that *no* other browser can simply ignore and still do a sane job of
rendering. IE's extensions are such that will either  crash another
browser (in a few cases) or are geared to cause the non-IE browser to
badly render the page.

R> "Robert L. Cochran Jr." wrote:
R> > 
R> > I have to agree, Netscape 4.x (on any platform) is a badly broken
R> > product. In Linux, you can't really get the beautiful page renderings
R> > that Internet Explorer does. There is no browser anywhere near as good
R> > as Internet Explorer. My nonprogrammer wife comments that Netscape just
R> > doesn't render pages nicely and she prefers Microsoft Windows 9x simply
R> > because she gets Internet Explorer.
R> > 
R> > Soon, people will talk about a "Netscape job" to mean "poor quality
R> > work".
R> > 
R> > --
R> > 
R> > Bob Cochran
R> > I am a student of Linux, Java, database and web development.
R> > 
R> > 
R> > Steve Withers wrote:
R> > >
R> > > If anything is going to drive me back to Windowss it is *&%^$ Netscape.
R> > >
R> > > I have both V6.0 and v4.75 installed on my RH Linux 7.0 system (kernel
R> > > 2.4.1) and they are a word...SHIT.
R> > >
R> > > I have "kill-9" permanently in my command line buffer.....Netscape craps
R> > > out usually within 10-15 minutes of active use. What happens MOST often
R> > > with Netscape 6.0 is that links cease to be active. Nothing reacts to a
R> > > mouse click. It may aswell have crashed....and when I do a PS-A...I see
R> > > about 20 Java VMs all stacked up. Eh?
R> > >
R> > > I need Java do I have any options? Opera? Konqueror?
R> > > Haven't tried either recently....tried Opera like 3 years ago.....
R> > >
R> > > MS Explorer is starting to look good to me..... :-(
R> > >
R> > > --
R> > >  Regards,
R> > >
R> > >  Steve Withers
R> > >  Registered Linux user #24688
R> > >
R> > >
R> > >  "First, they ignore you. Then they
R> > >  laugh at you. Then they fight you.
R> > >  Then you win." Mahatma Ghandi
R> -- 
R> Rick

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153

Posted Via Nuthinbutnews Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
          ** SPEED ** RETENTION ** COMPLETION **


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: how to print with GIMP?
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 09:16:12 -0500

Are there somple directions to printing ith the GIMP? It seems to want
to print to a file, wthr I chose my printer or not.

Any help appreciated.



Subject: Re: direct restart after compiling the kernel????
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:02:31 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam =?iso-8859-2?Q?Podstawczy=F1ski?=) writes:
> Rolf Marvin Bøe Lindgren, napisa³o Ci siê:
> > [cbbrowne]
> > 
> > | Try: 
> > |
> > | # make dep clean bzlilo modules modules_install; shutdown -r now
> > 
> > surely
> > 
> > # make dep clean bzlilo modules modules_install && shutdown -r now
> > 
> Both wrong, where's the lilo command? :-)

Does not the "bzlilo" step run lilo?  I don't generally use that step,
preferring to copy kernels in by name to where _I_ want them, but I
seem to recall "bzlilo" running lilo...

[The gentle reader might want to consult the files found in directory
/usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot to verify what's going on...]
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ac.notelrac.teneerf@" "454aa"))
"sic transit discus mundi"
-- From the System Administrator's Guide, by Lars Wirzenius


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: how to print with GIMP?
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 10:08:43 -0500

Rick wrote:
> Are there somple directions to printing ith the GIMP? It seems to want
> to print to a file, wthr I chose my printer or not.
> Any help appreciated.
> --
> Rick

I am using GIMP 1.1.26_helix_1.

I have tried setup.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (F. Heitkamp)
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 10:20:41
Subject: Re: (LESS HUGE) Re: Do I need Lilo to boot from a partition?

In message <98amea$30h$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>The entire chain must be correct.
>If you link several bootloaders in a chain, it's hard to say where it goes
>I have another idea for you, if you can, try to change the boot-order.
>See if you can boot linux directly, without the intervention from
>another OS's bootloader.

How do I do that?

>You're sure that you're looking at the right LILO code (not the old code)?
>When you install the new kernel, you get "no setup signature found"
>When exactly does this message appear?

I've tried the latest lilos I could find and compiled them 
from source.   I've thinking about trying an RPM or something
just to see if my compiler setup is wierd.  Most things I compile
all work fine though, and the lilo compile and install goes fine.
At least no compilation errors are reported.

The last lilo I've installed is 21.7.  I have had many lilo versions
installed on that disk.  As I indicated in a previous post, this
disk has had Linux on it for quite a while.

What happens is I get OS/2 Bootmanager.  I pick the "LINUX" selection.
At that point LILO starts up and I get the LILO "GUI" with the three
kernel selections.  I pick the option for the 2.4.x kernel which is 
default.  Then I get something like this:

Loading default.........................
... no setup signature found.
Then the system hangs.   I'm not sure of the exact number of dots.

>> OS/2 bootmanager does
>> not work that way AFAIK.  It needs to point to a partition.
>Okay, than check where it points to, and don't change lilo.conf
>(boot=/dev/sda won't help you then anyway)

The way you install bootmanager is that it has to go on either
the start of the disk or the end of the disk.  You use the OS/2
fdisk program to install it.  Without going into all the details,
what you end up with is a list of the partions on the disk, for
example, this is what my fdisk screen looks like.  What follows is
a couple screen captures from OS/2 fdisk.  It looks OK on for me
but USENET may scramble it.  Let me know.

Heres the first disk (/dev/sda)

  Disk 1 2 3
  Partition Information
  Name          Status               Access           FS Type          MBytes
                Startable           : Primary         BOOT MANAGER        7
  WINDOWS       Bootable            : Primary         FAT              2039
  WARP          Bootable           C: Primary         HPFS             2016
                None               D: Logical         FAT               502
                None               E: Logical         HPFS             1200
                None               F: Logical         HPFS             1506
                None                : Logical         Type 83          4502
                None                : Logical         FreeSpace        5585


Heres the second disk (/dev/sdb)


  Disk 1 2 3
  Partition Information
  Name          Status               Access           FS Type          MBytes
  LINUX         Bootable            : Primary         Type 83          1336
                None                : Primary         Type 83          1532
                None                : Primary         Type 83          1297
                None                : Primary         Type 82           170

  F1=Help             F3=Exit                                  Tab=Partitions

You can highlight the partition you wish to boota and add it to the boot
manager menu.


  ³ Create partition...                ³
  ³ Add to Boot Manager menu...        ³ess           FS Type          MBytes
 ij Change partition name...           ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
  ³ Assign C: partition                ³imary         BOOT MANAGER        7
  ³ Set startup values...              ³imary         FAT              2039
  ³ Remove from Boot Manager menu      ³imary         HPFS             2016
  ³ Delete partition                   ³gical         FAT               502
  ³ Set installable                    ³gical         HPFS             1200
  ³ Make startable                     ³gical         HPFS             1506
  ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄijgical         Type 83          4502
  ³ Help...                      F1    ³gical         FreeSpace        5585
  ³ Set/Select                Enter    ³
  ³ Exit                         F3    ³

  F1=Help             F3=Exit             Tab=Disk         Enter=Options Menu




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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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