Looks  like it's something in the last two paragraphs that causes the mailing
list server to reject my this message.  I will reword it a bit to see if that
solves the problem.

Begin forwarded message:

You can create your frontend directly with the batchfile using choice.exe, or
you can write it using any dos compiler or interpreter, or whatever floats your
boat. I personally wrote my frontends using the powerbasic compiler  because
it's easy to make them bulletproof, plus they are prettier than they would be
when using choice.exe.

Once you have your user's directory structure, batch files, programs and
what-have-you laid out, copy the whole thing into /etc/skel and all new users
will automatically inherit everything ready-to-roll as you create them.

MELVILLE THEATRE ~ Melville Sask ~ http://www.melvilletheatre.com
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