Robert Komar wrote:

I'm not an expert on fontconfig, but have you checked that X uses the
/usr/local/share/fonts directory?  "xset q" will show you all the
directories in your font path.  They are usually specified in the
/etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  Changing the latter file requires that
X be restarted.  Also, if you're running xdosemu remotely, then you'll
have to add the fonts on the machine that is displaying the window.

Rob Komar
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Thanks very much Robert for your information and especially your advice about xset.

My 'xset -q' shows that most of my font directories are in /usr/share/X11/fonts and subdirectories of that. They are as specified in xorg.conf.

This contradicts information in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf which says that fonts can also be in ~/.fonts, /usr/share/fonts and /usr/local/share/fonts.

Is it possible that xset -q only lists the directories specified in xorg.conf?

I copied all of my vga* fonts into /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc
and ran mkfontdir and fc-cache -f -v.

I also rebooted even though xorg.conf was not changed.

However, when dosemu starts it still does not pickup the 12x30 font I have selected in ~/.dosemurc. All the vga fonts appear in the directory but the 12x30 font does not appear in fonts.alias.

I checked two other smaller vgannxnn fonts that worked ok but I'd like to get the 12x30 working.

I renamed fonts.alias and fonts.dir and re-ran mkfontdir but fonts.alias was not created. Is there a special command to do that?

Thanks for your help.

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux
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