At 02:37 PM 6/19/2003 -0400, Alan Bort wrote:
Ok... her is my problem:

I have apache2, proftpd and samba on two machines. Though I have them
configured correctly (at least I think so) I have the fopllowing
problem. Machine A has access to internet trough machine B. From A I
can see and use B's apache perfectly. BUT from B to A I can't... I keep
getting 403 Forbidden. What am I missconfiguring on A?.

Hard to say.

Can A "see and use" its own apache server successfully? What about the Windows machine ("C") that you refer to later?

Are there any access restriction on A's apache (in access.conf, usually)?

Can whatever directory and file gets accessed via the URL you are using be executed (the directory) and read (the file) by the userid that apache runs as?

FTP: I can't have access to anyone of the machines trough FTP. I am
having some troubles with the config... what should I configuree
again... what are the files that I should edit. When trying to connect
it just says conection refused.. nothing else. I'm having troubles with
this. I use xinet.d's pro-ftpd.

"Connection Refused" most likely means that nothing is listening on the ftp port. Or it could mean that the particular IP addresses you are connecting from are disallowed. Or, just barely possible, you could have a firewall rule in place that blocks access.

I surmise that you run ftp the usual way, through inetd (in your case, xinetd).

Use "netstat -l" to verify that something is listening on port 21.

Check the xinetd configuration file to make sure it is listening on that port.

Check hosts.allow and hosts.deny to see if they interfere with access.

Check your firewall ruleset (probably with "iptables -nvL", if you run a 2.4.x kernel) to see if there are any rules that DENY access.

SAMBA: while on A samba works perfectly, on B it doesn't seem to
work... whenever I try to connecto (from C, with windows) the server
goes down. I am using a standalone SAMBA, I think it's the latest.
Again... I think there might be some incompatibility problem with the
config file... and I'm not sure it installed correctly.

This is too vague even to allow guessing ... I can't tell for sure if the problem is on A or B, and if "the server goes down" means the samba daemon process dies or the machine itself crashes. Check your logs and see what samba thinks happens. Run "top" while you are trying to connect and look for oddities.

I would appreciate ANY help you can provide me. Thanks a lot.

As a general matter, to get good advice, you have to provide good information. That means including both basic background details -- what Linux distro and version? what kernel? what versions of apps? ("I think it's the latest" is meaningless, unless you do daily, sometimes hourly, reinstalls of all your apps from their CVS trees) -- and relevant specifics -- what URL you try to use, what IP addresses are involved, what the exact commands you send are, what the exact error messages are, and so forth.

If you have a hard failure ("goes down"), information about the hardware involved might be relevant.

Depending on the answers to some of the questions I posed, it might be useful to know the basic networking information for the two machines ... the output of

        ifconfig -a
        netstat -nr

or equivalents (e.g., "ip addr show" and "ip route show") if you don't have those commands.

Oh, BTW: how does ssh file transfer work???

You use the scp command to transfer files over an ssh link. Its man page will provide the details.


PS: what CVS server do you recomend??? and webdav?

No recommendation on the first. On the second ... what's a "webdav"?

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