Ok, let's clarify somethings ;)

First of all I really recommend this links:

The real-time implementations previously commented in the list relies on
"interrupt shielding" (forcing interrupts to run on a reserved CPU) and
"CPU pinning" (forcing real-time tasks to only run on a CPU which
doesn't run any other tasks), so we can't say it's a 'real' real-time ;)
(it does not take the best advantage of multiple cpu's for example and
needs more than just one in anyway).

Legal notice: It's just my personal contribution.

P.S.:  Sorry my delay to answer that ;)

On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 15:37 +0530, Raseel Bhagat wrote:
> Hi Tzahi,
> On 4/5/07, Tzahi Fadida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is this i hear about PREEMT_RT from VirtualLogix:
> > http://www.wirelessiq.com/content/newsfeed/9867.html
> I think the author is trying to mention the different innovative
> solutions to the latency issue in the GPOS Linux Kernel. PREEMPT_RT ,
> IIRC  was a Real Time patch by Ingo Molar.
> VirtualLogix's Virtual OS is another such solution, etc.
> Thanks,
> Raseel
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Rodrigo Rubira Branco
Software Engineer 
Advanced Linux Response Team (ALRT) / Linux on Power Toolchain
IBM Linux Technology Center (IBM/LTC)


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