I have finally gotten my ppp connection to work and this is the first
e-mail I am sending using Linux. I need to now find a better way to
initiate the login process. The only way I know how to login now is to
open linuxconf in GNOME, select PPP/SLIP/PLIP, then select ppp0 and
press the connect button. This works, dials up and negotiates with my
ISP just fine I am able to then run Netscape and get on to the web and
also use the Netscpe mail function.
The question is: How do I initiate the ppp dialup w/o doing it from
inside linuxconf? Can I add an icon to the GNOME desktop or add an
applet to the panel? If so how do I do it?
Please point me to a How To, man page, or give me very basic (idiot
proof) instructions. :-)
Thanks to all of those who have given me the help I needed to get this
George Kenney
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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