Hi Daren, Guido,

>From: Etheridge, Darren
>>On 06/26/2014 10:40 AM, Guido Martínez wrote:
>> I had some issues with this patch. Booting linux-next on a BeagleBone
>> Black with this exact LCD left me with an unusable white screen. Please
>> see below for some details.
>>> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 05:54:26PM +0530, Pekon Gupta wrote:
>>> This patch adds support for LCD4 cape as advertised on
>>>    http://elinux.org/CircuitCo:BeagleBone_LCD4
>>> This cape has:
>>> * 480x272 TFT-LCD panel
>>>   - LCD panel datasheet and timing information are sourced from [1]
>>>   - LCD backlight is connected to 'EHRPWM1A' on cape board, but its used for
>>>     enabling backlight power-supply. So 'gpio-backlight' driver is used 
>>> instead
>>>     of 'pwm-backlight' driver (Kconfig: BACKLIGHT_GPIO=y).
>>> * 4-wire resistive Touchscreen
>>> *Known constrains*
>>> As LCD panel pins (lcd_data, hsync, vsync, pclk) are shared with on-board
>>> NXP HDMI framer, so either HDMI or LCD-cape can be used at time. Thus while
>>> using this cape 'hdmi' DT node needs to be disabled in am335x-boneblack.dts
>>> [1] www.newhavendisplay.com/specs/NHD-4.3-480272MF-ATXI-T-1.pdf
>>>      www.newhavendisplay.com/app_notes/OTA5180A.pdf
>>> Signed-off-by: Pekon Gupta <pe...@ti.com>
>>> ---
>>> +
>>> +   panel {
>>> +           status = "disabled";
>>> +           compatible = "ti,tilcdc,panel";
>>> +           pinctrl-names = "default";
>>> +           pinctrl-0 = <&bbcape_lcd_pins>;
>>> +           panel-info {
>>> +                   ac-bias           = <255>;
>>> +                   ac-bias-intrpt    = <0>;
>>> +                   dma-burst-sz      = <16>;
>>> +                   bpp               = <16>;
>>> +                   fdd               = <0x80>;
>>> +                   sync-edge         = <0>;
>>> +                   sync-ctrl         = <0>;
>> I had to set this to <1>. Does that make sense?
Yes, I'll check this one again at my end.

>>> +                   raster-order      = <0>;
>>> +                   fifo-th           = <0>;
>>> +           };
>>> +           display-timings {
>>> +                   native-mode = <&timing0>;
>>> +                   /* www.newhavendisplay.com/app_notes/OTA5180A.pdf */
>>> +                   timing0: 480x272 {
>>> +                           clock-frequency = <30000000>;
>>> +                           hactive = <480>;
>>> +                           vactive = <272>;
>>> +                           hfront-porch = <8>;
>>> +                           hback-porch = <47>;
>>> +                           hsync-len = <41>;
>>> +                           vback-porch = <2>;
>>> +                           vfront-porch = <3>;
>>> +                           vsync-len = <10>;
>>> +                           hsync-active = <0>;
>>> +                           vsync-active = <0>;
>>> +                           de-active = <1>;
>>> +                           pixelclk-active = <0>;
>> Are you sure these timings are ok? When enabling the sync control I get
>> an usable display, but it looks a bit funny. For example an all black
>> display looks very clear and has a dotted pattern.
>> I tried to take a picture of it but it doesn't show.
I could run and test 'fbtest' and 'fbconsole' on this cape, using following 

>These timings look wrong to me, for instance this sets a clock frequency
>of 30MHz where as the linked app-note says 9MHz.  I think the LCD4 cape
>uses the same LCD panel as is used on the AM335x EVMSK.  Therefore the
>display timings from my DT patch for the EVMSK should work:
Yes, probably I got the pixel-clock timing wrong, I'll fix this.
It should be 9.2MHz as per
Table: Electrical Characteristics
But as 'hsync' timings are relative to pixel-clock somehow it worked for me.

I got other vsync and hsync timings from following reference:
        Table: 8.4.1 480XRGBX272 Vertical Timing
        Table: 8.4.2 480XRGBX272 Horizontal Timing
And I/O signal polarity for vsync-active and hsync-active from

with regards, pekon
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