On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Felipe Contreras
<felipe.contre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Ohad Ben-Cohen <o...@wizery.com> wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately I don't have a setup right now to test this, but the code
>>>> seems to be ok for our needs, don't you think ?
>>> But yeah, actually that fits our needs; calling the dma_map only,
>>> while still wrong, will give us the same behavior we have right now
>>> (v2.6.33).
>> Great, so are you ok with this patchset proposal ?
> I thought you were going to add separate ioctls, one for dma_map, and
> another for dma_unmap that receive direction as an argument. Then, map
> the current PROC_FLUSH/INVALIDATE to those without changing their
> semantics, but marking them as deprecated.

Yes, I am (this and a few other small stuff we mentioned in the
threads) - I was just asking generally about the move to dma_(un)map_*

Anyway, I'll prepare a v2 and resubmit.

>> I'll just add support for the VM_IO path you mentioned.
> Cool. I actually tried your patches to render to the framebuffer, and
> everything seemed to work fine. I didn't check for error codes or
> anything, so I'm not sure what's going on.

How is the framebuffer mmap'ed ?

Can you please tell me more about this scenario ?
(applications + drivers involved).

How do I test this scenario ? using the tools you sent me ?
Do I have to have a beagle board or will ZOOM do ?


> --
> Felipe Contreras
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