* arc...@ti.com <arc...@ti.com> [100915 07:00]:
> From: Archit Taneja <arc...@ti.com>
> This is a simple approach to prevent scattered cpu_is_omapxxxx checks
> in DSS2 by bringing all omap version specific DSS features/values to one
> single place, initialize them and expose a set of functions to DSS2 driver
> files which return the value/existance of a feature.

Glad to hear. We should absolutely not use cpu_is_omapxxxx checks
anywhere in the drivers. The drivers should be arch independent.
Basically any driver using those is broken from Linux point of view.

The current mess is:

$ grep -r cpu_is_omap drivers/ | wc -l

The right way to replace those is to pass feature flags from
the platform_data.

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