Nishanth Menon <> writes:

> Kevin Hilman had written, on 09/16/2010 10:08 AM, the following:
> [..]
>>> more than that you name
>>> some functions omap_*, and how hard would it be to put it under
>>> arch/arm/common/*.c
>>> arch/arm/include/asm/*.h
>>> Possible even higher up in the directory hiearchy in include/linux/opp.h
>>> for the header and drivers/opp/*.c, because I think SuperH and power
>>> are not that different in this respect.
>> Yeah, I guess this isn't ARM specific either, so should be at a higher
>> level. 
>> Nishanth, can take my hack below and continue this evolution?  As I
>> demonstrate with this hack, this won't really change anything for us.
> thanks..  The only contention ahead is: where do we want this?
> Is drivers/opp/opp_core.c the right place? Given that this is just a
> support library and not really a driver? for some reason lib/opp.c
> does'nt sound just right either :(

Well, since it's not really a driver, I don't think drivers/* is

lib/opp/* seems more appropriate to me with the header at
include/linux/opp.h as Linus suggested.


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