
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Arun Murthy <> wrote:
> PWM core driver for pwm based led and backlight driver.

With all due respect, it looks like you have reinvented portions of my
RFC for a comprehensive PWM API that has been floating around on
linux-embedded for over a year--- with an update coming in the last
two weeks or so.  Why?

To make matters worse, when I posted my original code I was told to
move the whole discussion to linux-embedded, because as a
cross-platform API proposal that's where it belongs.  I encourage you
do likewise.

I have a terse email style, so I just want to be clear that I'm not
mad or anything.  Honest!  I'm just disappointed that you've invested
so much hard work in traveling down the same path I came over a year
ago.  Bummer for everyone.

Can we not combine our efforts?  I haven't reviewed all of your
patches yet, but you are clearly ahead of me in specific ARM platform
support.  On the other hand, I think my code is more refined in many
other areas.  I also have Blackfin, PowerPC, and Cirrus (ARM) support,
though some of the code is from contributors who are holding it until
I proffer my final code.

What do you think?  Just let me know privately by email, or over on


Bill Gatliff
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