On Sat, 12 Feb 2011 01:33:24 -0700, Grant Likely <grant.lik...@secretlab.ca> 
> (Sorry for the really laggy reply)
No worries, I was just starting to think about this again myself.

> I don't see it being that big a deal.  gpio drivers are pretty
> lightweight and it is fine to have domain-specific limitations on how
> gpios for a particular "gpio controller" behave.  In your example, if
> the hardware doesn't support enabling 2 CS pins at once, then you make
> a choice, either setting one when the other is already set simply does
> not work; or it could reset the other state.  Either choice would be
> fine.  The SPI driver must do the right thing regardless and deselect
> the previous CS line before enabling a new one.
Having now finally having had a chance to implement a gpio_chip driver,
I agree. It's quite simple and seems to fill the need pretty well

> The other alternative would be to implement a new SPI chipselect
> common infrastructure, but IMO, that would just end up looking like a
> duplication of the gpio infrastructure.
I think you are probably right. GPIO seems to be a good fit.

Patch coming shortly.  I use spi_board_info.controller_data to pass the
gpio number to the controller which doesn't seem like the best way
forward, but I wasn't sure how else to proceed. Also, since the gpio
numbers are dynamically determined spi_board_info.controller_data must
be filled in at runtime, which is also a bit of a bummer (although not
easily solved as far as I can tell). Let me know what you think.

 - Ben
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