
On Monday 16 May 2011 21:07:40 Steve Calfee wrote:
> No, they get called. I just don't get the clock on the bclk pin.

Could you try to disconnect the CLKX, and FSX lines from OMAP, and see that 
you have the clocks on the codec side?
If in this way you still can not see the clocks, than your codec (max98095 ?) 
is not generating the clocks.
Could you also post from your machine driver how you configure the formats for 
cpu/codec DAI (snd_soc_dai_set_fmt call)?

While the clock lines are not physically connected, you can try to configure 
either side to generate the correct clocks on the lines. When you see that, 
you can connect them together, and see (hear) if it works.

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