On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 6:45 PM, Alexander Holler <hol...@ahsoftware.de> wrote:
> Am 28.07.2013 18:25, schrieb Linus Walleij:
>> On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Alexander Holler <hol...@ahsoftware.de> 
>> wrote:
>>> By the way, if someone decides to touch omap_hsmmc, the driver wrongly
>>> assumes that 0 is not a valid IRQ number and it doesn't check if
>>> gpio_to_irq() returns a negative value. ;)
>> Zero *is* *not* a valid IRQ number.
> Where is that mentioned?

This has been a major debate in the kernel in recent months, and we are
agreed to remove 0 as a valid Linux IRQ number. The fact that up until
two years ago the ARM kernel allowed it is a historical artifact.

Please see this article for background:

Which falls back to this posting from Torvalds:

> gpio.txt states:
> ----
> Non-error values returned from gpio_to_irq() can be passed to request_irq()
> or free_irq().  They will often be stored into IRQ resources for platform

While IRQ 0 is not an error, it means that this particular GPIO line
does not have an IRQ, or cannot be translated into an IRQ, and
should not be passed to request_irq().

Patches to the documentation is welcome.

> With the new patches gpio_to_irq() returns 0.

This is not good. Under which circumstances does that happen?

> Documentation/IRQ-domain.txt:
> ----
> The legacy map should only be used if fixed IRQ mappings must be
> supported.  For example, ISA controllers would use the legacy map for
> mapping Linux IRQs 0-15 so that existing ISA drivers get the correct IRQ
> numbers.
> ----
> You see the 0 too?

Is OMAP still using the legacy map? I don't think that works
on any system utilizing the GIC driver. It is called legacy because
it is not supposed to be used :-/

> Of ourse, I might be wrong, but you just stated that 0 isn't valid, and
> I would be happy to find a source for your statement.

See above.

Linus Walleij
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