Well, perhaps I'm mistaken in my wording...

I have currently what I call a 01, but perhaps it's really called a 10. It's
2 sets of 3 partitions striped into a RAID 0 set, then mirrored. So, it's
striped, and then mirrored, hence 01. Now, for 10, I attempted to create 3
RAID 1 mirroes, and then stripe them together, but it didn't work. Yes, I
saw the examples in that howto, and they were so difficult to read and
practically useless. That's why I wanted to donate my own work in my script
so people can see how to do it with matching drives, in a higher-end

Zach Lowry

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: Scripts for RAID-10 and RAID-01

>  Hello all...
>  I have created to sets of raidtabs and shell scripts to create RAID
>  10 and
> 01 filesystems, since I couldn't find it documented anywhere how to
> do it. I'm attaching the 4 files if anyone would like to take a look
> at them to learn a bit about it. However, the RAID-10 script dosen't
> work, just the 01. If anyone has any information on how it might
> work, please help me out and send any tips my way.

See the working examples in the appendix of
boot+root+raid+lilo HOWTO at the linux documentation project

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