On Sun Feb 03, 2008 at 01:15:10PM -0600, Moshe Yudkowsky wrote:

> I've been reading the draft and checking it against my experience. Because 
> of local power fluctuations, I've just accidentally checked my system:  My 
> system does *not* survive a power hit. This has happened twice already 
> today.
> I've got /boot and a few other pieces in a 4-disk RAID 1 (three running, 
> one spare). This partition is on /dev/sd[abcd]1.
> I've used grub to install grub on all three running disks:
> grub --no-floppy <<EOF
> root (hd0,1)
> setup (hd0)
> root (hd1,1)
> setup (hd1)
> root (hd2,1)
> setup (hd2)
> (To those reading this thread to find out how to recover: According to 
> grub's "map" option, /dev/sda1 maps to hd0,1.)
This is wrong - the disk you boot from will always be hd0 (no matter
what the map file says - that's only used after the system's booted).
You need to remap the hd0 device for each disk:

grub --no-floppy <<EOF
root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)
device (hd0) /dev/sdb
root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)
device (hd0) /dev/sdc
root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)
device (hd0) /dev/sdd
root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)

> After the power hit, I get:
> > Error 16
> > Inconsistent filesystem mounted
> I then tried to boot up on hda1,1, hdd2,1 -- none of them worked.
> The culprit, in my opinion, is the reiserfs file system. During the power 
> hit, the reiserfs file system of /boot was left in an inconsistent state; 
> this meant I had up to three bad copies of /boot.
Could well be - I always use ext2 for the /boot filesystem and don't
have it automounted.  I only mount the partition to install a new
kernel, then unmount it again.

    ( ' }     |       Robin Hill        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
   / / )      | Little Jim says ....                            |
  // !!       |      "He fallen in de water !!"                 |

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