On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 05:35:53PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:47:03PM +0000, Vogel, Steve wrote:
> > The license terms allow anyone to distribute (but not sell) the firmware but
> > only for use on Intel products. 
> Redistribution alone may be enough to be included in linux-firmware

I believe redistribution is sufficient as our legal team is well aware that
this was to be released to linux-firmware and the distros.

I submitted with the license which was approved by our legal team after having
been assured it allowed for redistribution by linux-firmware and the distros.

> However, most of the additional terms (and there are lots of them)
> this imposes beyond the usual likely make it impossible to include in a
> distro, so pragmatically, there is no reason to push for inclusion in
> linux-firmware.
> This is going to be a hard road for you guys. Falling in line with
> every other Intel firmware blob's (i915, ibt, iwlwifi, SST2) license
> would be much easier on you and the distros.

We are working with Legal to come up with a license which is more in line with
what already exists in linux-firmware.


> Frankly, I think the onus is on you to get statements from the
> licensing teams at Fedora, Debian, RH and SuSE on if they can include
> work under this license or not.
> I suspect Fedora and Debian will both say they can't, just based on
> their public policies and the additional restrictions in this
> license.. But hey, I'm not a licensing lawyer..
> Jason
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