On 01/12/2015 21:10, Bart Van Assche wrote:
On 12/01/2015 10:32 AM, Sagi Grimberg wrote:
Fix the code for detecting gaps and disable the code for chunking.
A gap occurs not only if the second or later scatterlist element
is not aligned but also if any scatterlist element other than the
last does not end at a page boundary. Disable the code for chunking.

So can you explain what went wrong with the code? If ib_sg_to_pages()
supports chunking, then sg elements are allowed not to end at a page
boundary if it is physically contig to the next sg and then the next
is chunked. Care to explain how did ib_sg_to_pages mess up?

With the upstream implementation, if the previous element ends at a page
boundary (last_end_dma_addr == dma_addr) but the current element does
not start at a page boundary (page_addr != dma_addr) then the current
element is mapped. I think this is wrong because this condition
indicates a gap and hence that ib_sg_to_pages() should stop iterating in
this case.

Why is (last_end_dma_addr == dma_addr) implying that the previous
element ends at a page boundary? it tests if the current is contig
to the prev (dma_addr is not necessarily the page address).

But I think I see whats wrong. If the prev sg didn't end aligned to
page we won't get into the above test at all and continue mapping.

Does this make the problem go away?
diff --git a/drivers/infiniband/core/verbs.c b/drivers/infiniband/core/verbs.c
index 043a60e..23457fe 100644
--- a/drivers/infiniband/core/verbs.c
+++ b/drivers/infiniband/core/verbs.c
@@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@ int ib_sg_to_pages(struct ib_mr *mr,
                u64 end_dma_addr = dma_addr + dma_len;
                u64 page_addr = dma_addr & page_mask;

-               if (i && page_addr != dma_addr) {
+               if (i && (page_addr != dma_addr || last_page_off)) {
                        if (last_end_dma_addr != dma_addr) {
                                /* gap */
                                goto done;

Note that I don't mind making the chunking code go away if no one wants
it (I think Steve specifically asked for it). I'm just trying to
understand the exact mistake here.

How ib_sg_to_pages() reports to its caller that mapping the first
scatterlist element failed is not important to me. I included that
change in this patch because I noticed that in the upstream SRP
initiator does not consider ib_map_mr_sg() returning zero as an error. I
think either ib_sg_to_pages() or ib_map_mr_sg() should be modified such
that "no pages have been mapped" is handled as a mapping failure.

I don't either, but the patch introduces inconsistency in a case where
the caller passed sg_nents=0 (which will return 0 and not -errno).

Would it make better sense to have srp treat 0 return as error? note
that all other ULPs treat return_val != sg_nents as error.
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