On 2/7/08, Linus Torvalds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Feb 2008, Harald Arnesen wrote:
> >
> > I'll try applying the patch to a freshly downloaded git-tree.
> Ok, good.
> > Shall I try another compiler? I have at least these two:
> >
> > gcc version 3.4.6 (Ubuntu 3.4.6-6ubuntu2)
> > gcc version 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
> I would suggest a patch mis-application problem first (or possibly even
> the patch itself being broken - I simply didn't look very closely at the
> patch, but it *looked* ok).
> If it's a compiler bug, it's a pretty big one, and quite frankly, I doubt
> it. Compiler bugs do happen, but they are pretty rare, and they tend to
> have more subtle effects than the one you see.
> However:
> > in addition to the self-compiled 4.2.3 I used for the tests.
> 4.2.3? Really? That's pretty damn recent, and so almost totally untested.
> That does make a compiler bug at least more likely.
> So yes, if you already have other compilers installed, you should try
> them. If it really is a compiler bug, it's a really bad one, and you would
> want to let the gcc people know.
> Still, I'd double-check that the
>         asc_dvc_varp->overrun_buf = kzalloc(ASC_OVERRUN_BSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
> line was added properly first. You should see it way after the point where
> it did
>         asc_dvc_varp = &boardp->dvc_var.asc_dvc_var;
> to initialize it (and both statements should be inside a
>         if (ASC_NARROW_BOARD(boardp)) {
> conditional - please check that the source code looks sane too).
>                         Linus

I just re-downloaded an re-patched and re-compiled (with gcc 4.2.3),
and now the kernel boots. I must have screwed up the previous

It now works, with Fujita's patch applied.
Hilsen Harald
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