Greeting All,
      I need to write a driver for ISP1760 host controller currently ,
I have read ISP1760 data sheet& linux programing guide.
      But I'm new to USB driver programming ,and I mess up with too
many informations I found.
      I list my questions below , hope someone can answer for me , or
discuss with me.
      Thank you.

      1) Seems ISP1760 works for USB 2.0 , so I need to use or modify
ehci-hcd module for it.
          But it's a non-pci host controller , I saw there is a
usb-ohci-nonpci module  in my kernel.
          Do I need to use or modify this module too?

      2) Are USB host controller drivers follow similar framework or 
running  schedule , so can I
          just modify echo or ohci driver to work for ISP1760?

      Best Regards,
ަ�k��!���W�~�鮆�zk��C� [EMAIL PROTECTED],����a{���,�H��4�m���i�(��ܢo�v'

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