Sorry for using different e-mail id, I tried to send the reply but my
mail is getting bounced from that account.

  Thanks David,
I tried the audio class driver of kernel 2.6.9 and found the host
controller sending ISO tokens

at 125 us. I used same application to get the audio sample in user
space but surprisingly it is

sending all zeros.I did check the usb_audio_read() of both kernel
versions, there's not much

difference in the reading mechanism. My application is based on OSS
api's. On kernel 2.4 for full speed there wasn't any problem as such.I
was able to capture and playback. But this time I am only getting
zeros and that too at a damn slow rate. I don't think i am able to do
the read. Even i tried alsa libs for capture but it didn't work for
Then I modified my video capture driver for kernel 2.6.9 and I have
been able to get the video continuously with the same URB which I
mentioned in my last query in kernel 2.4. The difference being 2.6
doesn't hang.I capture the video for around 30-35 minutes. The only
problem with my implementation is I didn't find any difference between
the frame rates I got with both the kernels. Its same for both as the
analyzer output shows.
I guess the device doesn't fetch the data at high speed usb's
expectation.. But I am able to get much higher capture rate on MS

Thanks in Advance

On Sunday 29 May 2005 6:03 am, Anil Yadav wrote:

> I tried almost all possible combinations to frame urb. I checked with
> kernels from 2.4.20 to 2.4.30.

I'd not recommend a 2.4 kernel for your application.  Try the
latest 2.6 code, possibly with the patch from:

Also, make sure your ISO code works with for example OHCI on 2.6;
you may have problems in your ISO logic, apart from any potential
EHCI issues.  (Differences at high speed will include data rate,
polling interval -- units in uframes, not  frames -- and possibly
per-period data size of up to 3 KB.)  And the behavior for ISO
changed in 2.6; a pointless "automagic resubmit" mechanism is gone.
(Which was never implemented for EHCI in 2.4 fwiw ... the 2.6
approach works just fine on 2.4 though, with all HCDs.)

> Is there any driver available in the kernel ( Isochronous) for high speed 
> device.
> By the way my kernel version is 2.4.20-8.

Definitely do NOT use EHCI in any version before 2.4.22 ... there are
some 2.4 versions with ISO support that may work for high speed ISO,
but I don't know which ones they'd be.  Certainly 2.4.20 is strongly
discouraged.  As I said, 2.6.recent ... plus maybe the patch above.

Once it's working on 2.6, the iso code may work on newish 2.4 kernels.

- dave

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