On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 11:29 -0400, Don Zickus wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> I am trying to verify a fix for the cdc-wdm driver and am having trouble
> figuring out what devices requires that driver.  It seems related to cell
> phones but I wasn't sure if there was a particular one or all of them in
> general (I couldn't get my cell to use it).  Thanks in advance!

Find an Ericsson F3507 or F3607 PCIe minicard WWAN modem, like:


They're cheap.  They expose a couple cdc-wdm ports, one of which speaks
AT commands and another which might do the GPS stuff.  You don't need a
SIM.  If you're at a loss for how to connect it to your computer, or
your BIOS locks out unauthorized cards, grab one of these:


which is a small PCIe minicard carrier with a USB connector.


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