Pick a distro...

As long as you've got more than 32Mb of ram, (64 better..  128 even better)
and enough disk space (1.2Gb drive or bigger, ish) you will be able to run
any of the major distros, you'll just have to remove some of the default
daemons and configuration to make it usable.  You'll also want to use a
lightweight window manager like window maker or fvwm2 (both come with
RedHat, and I think Window maker comes with Mandrake).

I've got a machine I'm testing some stuff on at the moment which is a P166
with 48Mb, and I've put RH 7.3 on it, with fvwm2.  It's got a small drive
though (630Mb) so I had to do a custom install and add in X etc manually..

The other thing is that if you're not worried about running the latest and
greatest, RH 6.2 does really well on some older/slower with the older
version of KDE.

Don't expect to be able to run OpenOffice particularly quickly (it will be
almost unusable with anything less than 64Mb of ram on a P133, and slow in
128).  Also don't be thinking that Mozilla will load in under a minute....

Cheers, Chris.

----- Original Message -----

> Hi CLUG,
> I may be getting a 133mhz to mess around with and I was wondering what the
best distro would be to run on it. I was thinking about Peanut Linux? What
do you think?
> Thanks,

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