John Carter wrote:

> Time for a wee bout of 'Distro war...
> ...
> Back in the bad old days of Linux 0.99 when Men were Real Men, and little
> Plastic Barbies were Really Plastic.... we used to suck down the source
> of each package from the authors site as we needed it, compiled it, and
> ran.
> If it crashed, we had the source, the debug sym's, gdb and a compiler. So
> we fixed it and sent the patch back to the Author.
> In the bad new world of Deadbat, if a program crashes...
> ...we say "Bugger" and go do something else.
> What I really want is a Distro that has all the sources and the debug syms
> on disk so if it crashes I can fix it.
> I hate loathe detest programs that crash and I can't do anything about it.
> Any suggestions?

I have been using/tring out  SourceMage for  ~4 months on a Celeron 400 with 64MB
with no problems just  need to wait a bit longer for everthing to compile.
The packaging system is good in that everthing is up front there to look  at, no having
to dig around is some DB , also you install just what is needed no more no less.
The current release  is pre V1 but that's never been a problem in the OSS world. +



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