Thanks for the help. docboo2pdf works with sgml eg

<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">

   <sect1 id="introduction"><title>Hello world introduction</title>

               Hello world!


I found some good links which may be of some use to somebody:


On Friday 29 November 2002 08:19 am, James Grant wrote:
> passivetex on mandrake 9.0 is screwed even when it is installed.
> Use the SGML toolchain rather than the newer and perhaps less mature XML
> toolchain:
> jade -V paper-type=A4 -t tex -d \
>       /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets/print/docbook.dsl \
>       /usr/share/sgml/xml.dcl docbook.xml
> jadetex docbook.tex
> dvipdf docbook.dvi
> which'll give you docbook.pdf :)
> Oh, and the db2pdf etc commands only work for SGML, they don't work with
> XML, you need that extra declaration file or whatever.
> passivetex actually works on Red Hat I believe, and there's a nice utility
> called "xmlto" which does DocBook XML->PDF for you.
> On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 22:23, Paul wrote:
> > Micheal, thanks very much for the help, unfortuanlly it didnt work, even
> > more conflicts....

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