Well I will chime in with my experiences.

I am command-line averse and compared to many on this list still a newbie. I
Started with RedHat 7.2 and upgraded each time a more recent RH distro was

After Nick Rout's Gentoo presentation at a CLUG meeting I thought it was
worth trying so, with help from Nick, I installed it on a P2 400 Mhz with
384 Mb Ram. Gentoo was definitely faster that RedHat 8.0 which I had been
running on the same machine.

I now have Gentoo on my main machine - P4 1.6 Ghz

What I love about it is that without doubt Gentoo has later versions of most
packages than any other distro I have looked at (take the challenge if you
do not believe me) and they usually install with one command for any package
- "emerge packagename". (You can use "search" to search for available and
installed versions, -u for upgrade, -p for pretend etc. etc.)


Do not get me wrong, the setup is not for the faint hearted - long and
arduous journey but a great destination.

For any queries the Gentoo Forum is great and there are some great local
helpers too.

Regards, Robert

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