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On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Tom Munro Glass wrote:

> Good advice about the processor/disk speed Jim. I will definitely be using 
> SCSI and would like to use raid but it's too expensive.

If you want to do RAID on the cheap, get SCSI and use the Linux kernel's
own software RAID. Works a treat, and costs nothing.

It _is_ a hassle installing my preference (Debian) into a software RAID at
the moment, but it can be done and I'm sure I or someone else on the list
can walk you through the steps.

FWIW, I'd recommend Debian for a server. It's more than capable of being
run in production server environments (having personally run about 50
Debian boxes for Large Unnamed NZ Company), and if you want a datapoint
for depending on it, you only have to look at the .nz SRS which runs
mostly on Debian (the firewalls are FreeBSD for diversity of codebase..)

The only problems you'll run into will depend on how much you and the
business care about support from commerical vendors. Many times I've run
into people who insist we had to install RedHat because that's what
Company X supported, even where Company X's documentation actually said
"any Linux with glibc 2.1 .. etc".  

- -- 
David Zanetti           |  (__)             
#include <geek/unix.h>  |  ( oo    Mooooooo 
http://hairy.geek.nz/   |  /(_O ./         
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