On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 05:49:28 +1300
Roger Searle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm encouraged by all of yesterday's responses.  I've not booted my 
> machine into linux for a few weeks now.  I'm going to change that 
> starting Monday (I need to go away for a couple of days).  Minimum 90%
> home computer time to be linux.  So a question then . . .
> I was struggling with configuring my smb.conf file.  Hindsight shows
> me that the issues were in part related to the windows machines I was 
> trying to connect with (easily sorted - when I finally realised that
> it wasn't just about my inability to configure the smb.conf file!).
> And yes, I should have done a "mv smb.conf smb.old" before playing
> around.  I didn't. 
> I really need to start again with this file, and not do these things 
> late at night ;-)  Can I get the original file off the distribution 
> disks and if so how.  I'm using redhat 9.

yes you can get it off the original rpm file.

man rpm

> Regards
> Roger

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