This is a FixItFest or a ProblemFest, which would be a good side-track to an InstallFest. Victims bring along their gear (just like at an installfest), but with something they want to achieve, e.g. Install Linux on this Windows machine; Set up a mail server for my home network; Set up a photo album and download photos from this digital camera; ...


Kerry Mayes wrote:

(encouraged by these postings, I'll add my 5cents worth - since 2cents
isn't legal tender anymore).


The biggest difficulty I have is working out what I need to get the
result I want. The mail server for example: I wanted something that
worked like M$ exchange - recieve all the mail from the internet (my ISP
had my domain pointed to my static IP address) then be a pop server to
the local network. I looked at several "Howtos" that seemed like they
might be the right thing but none were exactly what I wanted and I'm
still too much of a newbie to work out from them how to do what I want.
So I don't know what packages I should be trying to get running, let
alone how to configure them.

What would be most useful to me in terms of a meeting would be a "Linux
solutions" session.  Someone comes up with a desired setup and several
people state how they would use linux in this situation.  So I could
provide the list of available hardware, what I'd like to achieve with
it, my resources to set it up (whether I have a budget for more
hardware...) and end up with a few potential "system designs".  Existing
experts would get the opportunity to expound on their favourite
distributions etc, and get ideas from others on how to "make things
work".  The desired setups can be as simple or complicated as there are
people prepared to come to a meeting.


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