I got snagged by this one as well, until I found out that an (U)pgrade, doesnt howl NEAR as much as a remove/reinstall does. This is quite possibly the completely wrong thing to do but in my situation, it worked...


PS, Your not putting in the FILE name, but the PACKAGE name, right? There's a difference... samba-common is different to samba-common.

At 06:23 AM 1/29/04 +1300, you wrote:
I'm very confused by the software installation process in linux. I've followed the suggestion to "man rpm" which only managed to add to the confusion: which switch to use? Then when I try them, I get conflicting output. Really all I want is an original copy of the smb.conf file so I can start again with it but am happy to reinstall samba completely if that's easier (or can more quickly get help on the right command).

So far I've managed to get a copy of samba-common-2.2.7a-7.9.0.i386.rpm from the distro disk (rh9) after determining that this is where smb.conf is.

rpm -i [samba-file]
gives me "package is already installed". That's understandable - my attempt to reinstall won't work that way. So to then try to erase it:

rpm -e [samba-file]
gives me "package is not installed". I don't get that - I've just been told previously that this package is already installed!

So I'm stuck again. Would someone be kind enough to spoon feed me the commands to either get a copy of smb.conf out of the rpm file, or to remove and reinstall samba to do the same thing? Both would be great, so I could understand both processes.


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