Hi guys...

People have been talking lots about installfests...  this is what I'd be
interested in doing...

I want to set up a solution that will run on my home server that will do
what I can already do on my MS platform.

WARNING: I've outlined what I want to do below in a less chattie and more
formal way.  This is a personal project at present that I want to get up and
running because I see benefits for my wife and I and some of the community
ventures I'm currently starting to work on.

If you're not into reading 'dry requriement documents' then hit the 'next
post' button now :)

Thanks Don...

Linux Platfrom:  RedHat 9

(Don't bitch with me about my choice... that's what I'm using this week.
Stay focused on the problem :)



Server:  Must run on same level of computing power as my MS platform
(PII-200, some disk, 128mb ram, 128k DSL modem)

Desktop/Laptop:  We currently have laptops and desktops ranging in power
from 486-dx75 to PIII-500 with a bit of ram and some disk.

PDA: We currently have 2 palm based PDAs.

Software Scope:


Server: will run Linux Redhat 9.  There is no requirment to interface with
MS platform (ie Linux Solution will not be required to interact with MS
Exchange server).

Desktop/Laptop:  Must interface with existing OS (Windows 95/98, W2K,
WinXPHome).  Some of the laptops will be converted to dual boot.

PDA:  PDAs will keep Palm OS at this stage.  This is my choice to reduce the
learning curb :)


phpBB2:  I'm currently setting up phpbb2 boards in a number of different
places.  I don't know enough about other linux applications to know how this
might fit into the mix.

Time Frame:  I see this taking 3 - 6 months to put in place and get running
properly.  It's not something I see being put together at a 1 night

In doing it on list, I'm happy to set up open systems and give out user and
passwords to trusted folk/interested parties so we can work together to
build it.

I have a small home office in Riccarton and also enjoy cooking!  So those of
you who are interested in coming for a meal and drinking a beer in return
for your technical assistance should yell out! :)

Ok, that's enough for now! :)

Don Gould

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