Yeah the court case's have been rather interesting .....definitly up there
with the current SCO movement ;-)

the latest bit at groklaw is rather a laugh ....I really do wonder what the
SCO Group is smoking ......

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Elder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: Michael's Minute: Bill - I don't want your $1,158

I found the email of interest as I have been following Linspire's fight with
M$ (the evil empire) for these past months. The website version has a few
other links:    Linspire
was forced by the courts to change their name from Lindows in several
countries recently (incase you didn't already know this).
If you think the name Michael Robertson rings a bell with you then its
probably because he used to be in the news with his controversial company
some years back called Google just now found this about Michael:

Nick Elder

On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 21:05, Dale Anderson wrote:
> nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not again ..... /me sobs
> ;-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "clug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 8:18 PM
> Subject: Fwd: Michael's Minute: Bill - I don't want your $1,158
> Hash: SHA1
> hope you all donīt mind much, thought this would be of interest to some
> folks
> here.
> - ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Michael's Minute: Bill - I don't want your $1,158
> - ---Original Message---
> Subject: Bill - I don't want your $1,158
> Bill,
> As you were probably informed over the weekend, your legal team lost the
>  latest court battle against Lindows, Inc. in the windows trademark case.
>  This time we were in a Dutch courtroom, where the Judge ruled against
>  Microsoft on all counts. Here's a link to the English translation of the
>  ruling. The ruling states that we can continue to use Lindows as we are
> now using it, but most telling was the Judge's monetary finding. In a case
> that Microsoft initiated and asked the Judge to fine us 100,000 euros per
> day, the Judge ruled the opposite direction and told Microsoft to pay us
> $1,158.
> But truth be told, I don't want Microsoft's money, I just want a chance to
>  compete and grow my company. If you can think back to when you started
>  Microsoft, sure there were big companies like IBM, but they didn't use
>  ruthless tactics that Microsoft now employs. How could you have built
>  company in that kind of environment?
> No, I don't want your money, I just want to compete without Microsoft
>  terrorizing us and everyone in the PC business who works with us. It's
> tough
>  building a business when hardware partners are told they will lose access
> to
>  Microsoft tier 1 support if they help us. Resellers get squeamish when
> they get lawsuit threats from Microsoft. Retailers are hesitant when there
> is veiled innuendo that they may not be eligible for the MDF "market
> development funds" that you provide to them, which are key to their
> profitability. And of course, Lindows is bothered by your legal strategy
> bury us with lawsuits.
> I understand that Lindows is the most obvious target of Microsoft's
> actions, since we challenge Microsoft's power base - the desktop. I think
> we'd have a
>  lot more than 350 OEMs if so many weren't intimidated by Microsoft. We'd
>  probably have more stores carrying our computers with our one-click easy
>  operating system if they didn't fear retaliation just for talking with
> Of course, I'm keenly aware of how Microsoft has vanquished so many
>  competitors in the past. To the portion of that success which can be
>  attributed to healthy competition, you have my respect. But some portion
> has
>  been built on dirty tactics, and I'm asking you to rethink using that
>  strategy with desktop Linux and my company, Lindows.
> Occasionally we hear from Microsoft employees who follow Lindows, and
>  reaction surprises me. (Hundreds of Microsoft employees receive the
>  Michael's Minute.) The first thing they usually do is apologize for the
>  corporate behavior of lawsuits, bogus reports, and other underhanded
>  tactics. They know the corporate mantra is "we like competition," but
> behind
>  the scenes try to kill it. But they TRULY do want competition. They
> believe they can compete. They know that having Netscape around made them
> build Internet Explorer, but since Netscape was wiped out, Internet
> Explorer has stagnated. Bill - I encourage you to poll your employees and
> ask them yourself. I'm confident that they'll say they want to compete
> head-to-head with Linux in an wholesome manner.
> Do you believe that Microsoft can compete with Linux? Do you believe in
> your employees? Do you believe in your products? I encourage you to
> consider abandoning the litigation and terror strategy. No more backing of
> lawsuits for trademark, patent or copyright issues against Linux. No more
> threatening
>  of companies that add Linux to their product line-up. Just straight up
>  competition against Linux. Your employees will thank you, and it will
> usher in an era of healthy competition in the PC business.
> - -- Michael
> - --
> Dave Lilley
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFAvt73tAOVws1ghq0RAnGvAKCCjj2GbrW9DyugeuW5VAzpoXFvOQCeKj+n
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