On Mon, 05 Jul 2004 16:56:47 +1200
Chris Wilkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> >>[0]Supermathie writes "NVidia has finally released drivers for their
> >>chipsets and the 2.6 kernel that support 4K stacks.
> > 
> > Of course, decent hardware companies have the drivers for their chipsets
> > already in the kernel source tree, eliminating the need for stuffing
> > around with binary only rubbish.
> Rubbish? Do you have a reason for stating this? Perhaps a reason
> backed up some very good objective analysis of why nVidia should
> release the source code to their driver?
> Just in case anyone else is wanting to take a swipe at companies
> like nVidia is it worth me mentioning that this driver release has
> bumped performance on my nVidia FX5600 card by around 15% over the
> previous driver release? Is it also worth mentioning that they have
> included some GPL stuff in this release too?

I like nVidia, they have a reputation of being one of the best supported
linux drivers, despite not being at the point of GPL'ing their drivers
(and they may never be to that point).

better to have good support and a binary only driver than no 3d at all.
Indeed probably better than a company that throws out some old code
under the GPL and then abandons it to the community with no real info
about how the code is supposed to work.

to see what really persuaded me about the crew at nvidia, read this


there is a hierarchy of hardware support, running from complete support
and open sourcing of both specs and drivers and active community
involvement, through to downright unco-operativeness. I would put nvidia
nearer the top than the bottom. as long as they remain responsive to
changes in the kernel and X I have little problem with it.

Hell they are there to make money. If they didn't make any we wouldn't
have the cards.

> It sounds like Volker has not watched a high-spec nVidia 3D card
> doing its stuff on linux...without that driver he never will, and
> its still free to download and install so why gripe?
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Chris Wilkinson, Christchurch, New Zealand.
> Canterbury Horse Taxis. http://www.horsetaxis.co.nz/


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