I have putty set up with keys to enable automatic logons from my winbox
to my server.

plink has a -i parameter for key files, just like ssh.
the putty suite also has pageant, an authentication agent, which you can
put your passphrase into once per session and forget about (although of
course anyone else sitting down to your box then has that access too, like

thgere is also a key-generation program in the putty suite.

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 12:10:11 +1200
David Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > David, your doco to set up the Linux Desktop over Cygwin was 
> > great. I have
> > been using it at work since the day you posted it on the CLUG 
> > mailing list.
> Great.  Try the new bits that I have added.  You can run a Linux application
> next to your Windows applications.
> I am still working on making it easier.  As we type, I am trying to
> eliminate the need for a password by creating a public and a private key.
> Later
> David Kirk


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