On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 10:29, Ian Laurenson wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 12:56, Ken McAllister wrote:
> > Hopeful Question:  The "manual line break", shift-enter or otherwise,
> > that appears in View Non Printing Characters as a little box - does
> > anyone know a way of searching for this and replacing it?  It apparently
> > will not allow itself to be cut and pasted.  It is not apparently listed
> > as a searchable attribute, or as a searchable format.
> Might I suggest upgrading to 1.1.4 the latest stable release. My maximum
> connection speed is 33k and it downloads over night.

It's a wonder if I can manage to keep my paradise.net connection going for 
longer than three minutes.

I am getting six to death of the substandard service I'm "offered".  Who 
should I complain to?

It's not good enough.  Not good enough at all.
> Some of the early versions were missing the find regular expressions,
> and then there were some bugs (still are a few in my opinion).
> To search for a newline character, check regular expressions and search
> for \n. Or once you have upgraded checkout IannzFindReplace from
> http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/hillview/OOo/
> > Hopeful Question 2:  Shall the E-Cafe, for $5, supply a later and
> > greater OpenOffice which will take me ever nearer to my ideal
> > word-processor (which was WordPerfect 4.2, by the way)
> If you liked WP 4.2 then you might like my RevealCodes macro also
> available at the above URL.
> Thanks, Ian Laurenson

Clinersterton beademung, with all of love - RIP James Blish
Mau e ki, he aha te mea nui?
You ask, what is the most important thing?
Maku e ki, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I reply, it is people, it is people, it is people.

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