On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 10:46, motivated wrote:
> From Nick:
> >>Please don't log in to X as root. It is a bad practice.
Whilst that was without doubt true in the past X-11 has improved markedly in 
recent times, so much so that I am happy to use X-11 as root for specific 
tasks. I don't do it often though.

> >>Take the earlier advice and use an xterm in kelvyn's login and >>use su
> >> to
> become root.
> Nick I tried that and I do believe I followed the advice to the 'T', but I
> still couldnt open half of the directories.
You can't be the root user then.
Is the character at the end of the bash prompt a # or a $ ?

What do the commands:-
who am i
or even the simple 'id' command have to say on the matter?

I don't know which distro. you are using and to what extent they have altered 
the standard KDE menus, but there are sometimes entries for Konqueror and 
Konsole to run as the root user. You have to input the root password to 
activate them. I find them both useful, I expect you would too.  Try
K -> System -> More Applications. You might find them in there.


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