On Friday 21 October 2005 15:49, sirlancelot wrote:
> Maybe then it would be a good topic for a shortish discussion at one of
> the meetings. I have to admit to being one of those who have so far
> ignored this technology, but i'd be interested to listen to a discussion
> of the why's and wherefore's.
> Lance B
> Steve Holdoway wrote:
> >On Fri, October 21, 2005 3:00 pm, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> >>But they can't do that if their mail server is out of order.
> >>I really wish the ISPs would disseminate this kind of info using RSS.
> >
> >A recent survey showed that well under 5% of regular computer users had
> >even heard of RSS, let alone used it.
> >
> >What's wrong with the web page concept as a backup for the M$^H^H
> >technologically challenged?
Nothing much except:
Web => Dozens of clicks to find the gem of info, and you ask them.
RSS => No clicks, and they tell you automatically.


Doubtless there are _dozens_ of others.


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