Hi, I agree with the idea that the networking has become confused, though for different reasoning. All the machines are looking to the router as the DHCP server. I had a previous installation of vmware server that could not complete setting up vmnet modules, and when I realised that it was available in ubuntu repositories have created the current difficulty. I had previously run vmware-config-network.pl and removed nat and host networking. Running it again now I got multiple errors such as:

This program previously created the file /dev/parport2, and was about to remove
it.  Somebody else apparently did it already.

This program previously created the file /dev/vmnet9, and was about to remove
it.  Somebody else apparently did it already.

So I have now tried to reinstall vmware server via adept, this complains about a previous installation and to run vmware-uninstall.pl if installed from the vmware site (which the first installation was) however this no longer exists! Or if via ubuntu then must be purged completely. New thread for this I think.

btw interesting setup with ipcop which has me thinking (for another day).

Kerry Mayes wrote:
Assuming you used the repo install, vmware sets up all three types of
network (bridged, nat, and host only).  However, I think routing btw
the vm and host gets confused.  I think it's partly due to the
multiple dhcp servers providing info to the vm.

The simplest solution is to disable the virtual networks that you are
not using - in this case the host only and nat networks. Do this by


I have a more complicated setup.  I have bridged and host only
networks setup but turn off the dhcp server on the host only network
(though that is tricky). I then have a virtual firewall (ipcop)
running that connects to the bridged and host only network.  All vms
only connect to the host only network.  IPcop provides better dhcp and
dns mirroring than vmware with very minimal footprint.


On 08/06/07, Roger Searle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I can't figure this one out.  I have a feisty box running vmware
server, and windows guest.  Feisty has some samba shares set up via

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