Nick Rout wrote:
> On Tue, June 12, 2007 4:39 pm, Roger Searle wrote:
>> Reg wrote:
>>> Below is my smb.conf file: If anyone can tell me where my error is I
>>> would be very thankful.
>>> Regards Reg
>>> [/home/reg]
>>>     guest ok = Yes
>>>     available = No
>> how about for this section, no more than
>> [/home/reg]
>>     path = /home/reg
>> comment out the other lines (put # at beginning)
> Why would he need this when he has a [homes] share?
sure, and i'm here to learn as much as anyone else.  but the state it
seemed to be at yesterday was that there was no connectivity from the XP
box which may have been due to (I was guessing) the latest smb.conf file
not being loaded, a line that said "available = no" and reluctance or
inability on reg's part to either locate how/where to restart the
service either through a gui or simple command, this being prior to any
posts about automatic reloading of the configuration.  i'm sure someone
managed to get this sorted last night in around one minute.


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