On Thursday 13 March 2008 12:53, david merriman wrote:
> There's a couple of articles in the latest Computerworld NZ magazine,
> where Brett Roberts from Microsoft and Don Christie from NZOSS discuss
> the OOXML document format.
> Brett Roberts, for OOXML: http://tinyurl.com/2uxebu
> Don Christie, against OOXML: http://tinyurl.com/2sxpt3
> The articles themselves are interesting, but what I found fascinating
> was the difference in writing styles between the two protagonists
> (assuming they wrote the responses themselves).  Brett Roberts used
> rather more vague, PR-style prose:
> "The OOXML specification empowers developers to create a host of new
> innovations for customers."
> whereas Don Christie was more straight-forward in his responses:
> "[If OOXML is rejected as a global standard, what will it mean for
> businesses and the public?]  Nothing much."
> I guess it points to the different backgrounds and environments the two
> come from.  Brett probably came from a marketing background, and Don
> probably was (or still is) a programmer or some such.  I could be (read:
> probably am) wrong.

From discussing OOXML (amongst other matters) with the likes of Brian Jones 
and Jason Matusow, this vague PR-speak seems to be the default 
amongst 'Softies, except when there is a serious technical issue, when they 
become as down-to-earth and straightforward as one could wish.  (Mind you, 
when IBM broke up with Microsoft in the early nineties and brought IBM OS/2 
on its ownsome, when I tried to discuss OS/2 with them, I found their 
language was also vague and unconvincing.  I think its endemic with big 

When you're not speaking to people and to one's superiors at one and the same 
time, you can just speak.

Just my 0.02c

Wesley Parish

> I thought it was interesting, anyway :)
> David

Clinersterton beademung, with all of love - RIP James Blish
Gaul is quartered into three halves.  Things which are 
impossible are equal to each other.  Guerrilla 
warfare means up to their monkey tricks. 
Extracts from "Schoolboy Howlers" - the collective wisdom 
of the foolish.
Mau e ki, he aha te mea nui?
You ask, what is the most important thing?
Maku e ki, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I reply, it is people, it is people, it is people.

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