Jim Cheetham wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Bernard Frankpitt
> <frankp...@slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
>> In the end I went for the cable modem option:  It is the option offered by
>> my Telstra, and I already have a cable connected to my house.
>> ...
>> When you go to a broadband connection, the ISP controls both sides of the
>> link since they provide you with a stand-alone modem that usually connects
>> to you computer via a TCP/IP link over Ethernet. That is a much easier set
>> of protocols to design to. In addition, it is easy to put a firewall router
>> between the modem and your machines to give you additional security.
> Just be aware that with Telstra, by default you get a real external IP
> address bound directly to your computer; if you are not running a
> pretty aggressive firewall you will now be processing all attack
> traffic directly on your machine. Of course, the majority of this will
> be stuff that subverts Windows machines, but some if it will be valid
> attacks against other services too.
> Attaching a Windows computer directly to Telstra's service is severely
> negligent. :-)
> The Telecom ADSL solution, where there is a NAT layer between you and
> the Internet run on a separate piece of hardware, is actually nicer
> from that perspective.
> I strongly recommend a separate machine of some description between
> you and the Telstra connection. Just what that is, depends on what you
> want to do with your new connection ...
> -jim
Ironically your essentially on a Public LAN with your neighbours since
your in a (share bandwidth as well) netmask,I used my
linux computer to route for my flat mates and I even had connection
activity from within the subnet probably a worm (This mite be even more
fun than an unsecured wireless network :P)

and also your Choice in ISP was probably the only one you could choose
Since your phone line is Telstra and they don't supply DSL over it

and a help full tip, remember to throttle your P2P upload bandwidth, my
friend accidentally clocked up a +$40 (or was that 40GB, can't remember)
bill with his 2Mbit/s upload speed

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