
From: Pablo Saratxaga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: supporting XIM
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 17:13:02 +0100

> > However, I am often annoyed by people who think supporting European
> > languages is more important than supporting Asian languages
> Are there such people?

I think there are no people who explicitly think so.  However, how
do you think if a developer think, for example, italic character
support for 8bit characters is very important while he/she don't
won't understand importance of multibyte support?

> Note also that, currently, I do'nt agree with you that i18n of programs
> is low; to the contrary, the majority of programs have good to
> very good i18n support.
> Those that still doesn't have are of two kinds:
> - small programs/projects, not very used, and not i18n mainly by 
>   ignorance of the problem by the authors, but that is a thign that
>   can be solved.
> - old programs/projects, in some cases stalled, abandonned or orphaned
>   for years; there is no much hope to achiueve i18n for them, but
>   there is no much hope about their survival either.

At first, I think translation (gettextization) is relatively unimportant
area of i18n.  Of course I don't say that we should not do that, but
imagine two word processors:
 - a word processor whose menus and messages are translated into your
   native language but cannot input/display text in your native language
 - a word processor whose menus and messages are in English but can
   input/display/print text in your native language
Which is better?  The first one is completely unusable and the second
one is unconveinent but usable.

Now brief list of examples.

 - Xmms cannot display non-8bit languages (music titles and so on).
 - Xft/Xft2-based softwares cannot display Japanese and Korean at the
   same time while Xft and Xft2 are UTF-8-based, because there are no
   fonts which contain both of Japanese and Korean.  This should not
   be regarded as a font-side problem, because (1) font-style principle
   is different among scripts (there are no "courier" font for Japanese)
   and (2) such fonts need developers who can design letters all over
   the world.  Pango's approach (changing font according to script)
   is needed.  Thus, Xft/Xft2 should not be used directly from end-
   user application unless this problem is handled properly.  There
   are even FreeType-based softwares (like xplanet beta version),
   which forces non-Latin-1 people to choose proper font (otherwise
   Mojibake occurs).
 - There are many window managers which support "themes".  Even if the
   window manager itself is already i18n-ed, some themes cannot display
   non-Latin-1 languages.  This occurs in two cases: (1) when the theme
   specifies a font name (it is very likely) or (2) when the theme
   supplies an origial font.
 - There are no lightweight web browser like dillo which is i18n-ed.
 - FreeType mode of XFree86 Xterm doesn't support doublewidth characters.
 - Tcl/Tk's XIM support is unstable even now.  (Every time I try to
   input Japanese, it sticks).  When I read Tcl/Tk's roadmap in
   version 8.0 age, I was really surprised that XIM support (essential
   for CJK, as you know) is very low priority.
 - Text editors which run on terminal rarely supports i18n.  Emacs and
   Vim are precious exceptions.
 - Xterm.  Its terminfo "enacs", "smacs", and "rmacs" (used for line-
   drawing characters) assumes that G1 is not used and GR is G2, which
   conflicts with EUC encodings.  This causes usage of line-drawing
   causes all Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji to mojibake.  I proposed to
   change definition of these terminfo items but it wasn't accepted
   because of vague uneasiness on compatibility.  I have not read any
   concrete compatibility problem.
 - Xterm.  It can automatically use UTF-8 mode and luit depending on
   locale.  However, though it automatically use UTF-8 mode, it cannot
   use iso10646-1 font automatically.  My patch to do this (and the
   idea itself) was rejected.  Usage of iso10646-1 font as default
   was also rejected.
 - Linux console.  I heard that kernel version 2.6's console will be
   able to display Kanji.  However, there would be no input methods.
 - Ghostscript.  It is known that it can handle Japanese by some
   trick (by localized version?) but it is too complex and difficult
   for me.
 - Text viewer.  There is a good software "lv" and I don't understand
   why Linux distributors don't use this for default installation.
 - Even OpenOffice.org 1.0 cannot display Japanese even with Japanese
   add-on package.  I have to configure some font substitution.  Note
   that this can be done only after installation, thus I cannot read
   (translated) messages during installation at all.
 - Curses-basd softwares.  They must not assume number of bytes is
   same as number of columns or number of characters.  Doublewidth
   and combining character support is needed.
 - Perl doesn't have wcwidth().
 - Text line wrapping.  Chinese and Japanese (not Korean) don't use
   whitespace between "words".

I feel that CJK people everytime have to keep a watch on softwares
which are already i18n-ed, because i18n support of such softwares
are sometimes broken when new versions are released.  (Xedit often
changes its status (can use XIM or cannot use XIM).  What happens?)
This is fatal if translation is already supplied (like OpenOffice.org
case).  I think a certain part of CJK developers' time are wasted
into this.


Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels
Archive:      http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/

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