Ah whoops, yep I really though I picked a different email to reply to....
thanks for the heads up, I can ask the right lot now!


-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Pinchart [mailto:laurent.pinch...@ideasonboard.com] 
Sent: Monday, 13 September 2010 8:52 AM
To: linux-uvc-devel@lists.berlios.de
Cc: Andrew Leech
Subject: Re: [Linux-uvc-devel] Maximising iram throughput?

Hi Andrew,

On Friday 10 September 2010 08:14:30 Andrew Leech wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wondering if anyone's found some tricks to speed up iram data 
> throughput, specifically with dma transfers.

Are you sure you've sent this mail to the right mailing list ?

> My application is basically sending data (real time video) from the 
> external static ram interface over USB. The catch is the data buffer 
> sizes of the external data and the usb data need to be quite different 
> so I've had to set up a double buffering arrangement, where I'm using 
> the DMA to copy from external port to a large rolling buffer space in 
> iram, and then on a separate dma channel copying the (smaller) chunks 
> of data from the large buffer to my usb buffer/structs. The usb 
> packets needs a header on each one, so I can't just give the usb a 
> pointer to a location in the main buffer because it obviously won't have
the header.
> The system is technically working, but I'm running very low on memory 
> bus bandwidth. The main issue is coming from latency in the external 
> interface, I currently have it running with a MPMCStaticWaitRd0 of 1 
> and have a couple of errors in transmission. The errors are completely 
> gone if I up the WaitRd to 2 but then the dma from buffer to usb is not
keeping up.
> The external ram interface is in 16 bit mode, and the write buffers 
> (in
> MPMCStaticConfig) are disabled, I'm using interface strictly read only 
> and enabling them slowed it down more.
> Both dma channels are running in burst mode (16 byte chunks).
> Clocks are all at csp default settings again, so mpmc, dma, ebi all at 
> 90Mhz, core at 180Mhz.
> I've tried SYS_REGS->eshctrl_sup4 = 0; to enable high speed 
> performance mode on EBI, but that doesn't really seem to help much, 
> not that I expected it to really.
> I've also tried enabling instruction and data caches at start of main:
>                 // Set virtual address of MMU table
>                 cp15_set_vmmu_addr((void *) ISROM_MMU_TTB_BASE);
>                 cp15_set_mmu(1);
>                 cp15_set_icache(1);
>                 cp15_set_dcache(1);
> But I didn't notice any difference in application speed, can anyone 
> confirm whether this is the correct way to enable the buffers? 
> Although I guess these are buffers for the cpu, so wouldn't affect the dma
> Basically I'd really like to speed up the iram - iram dma transfer to 
> allow more bus bandwidth / time to devote to external ram - iram dma 
> channel so I can slow the mpmc WaitRd down a touch and still kepp up 
> with the video stream.


Laurent Pinchart

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