On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 10:56:09AM +0100, Rob van der Heij wrote:

> >    David Sainty from RedHat suggested that I "service ipchains stop".
> > Gee, now my PuTTY ssh connection works just fine. :-)
> :-)  The 'moderately secure' configuration for RedHat appears to deny
> logon from the network. It will be interesting to see what 'tight' does ;-)

Well, "better safe than sorry" ;-)  As well as selecting "high", "medium"
or no firewall, during installation you can customize the firewall config

- trust certain interfaces, e.g. ctc0 or eth0
- add firewall rules which allow in-bound traffic for certain services /
ports.  SSH (tcp port 22) is one of these services.

After installation:

- /etc/sysconfig/ipchains is the file that stores the firewall rules to be
- "lokkit" is the text-based tool for re-configuring the firewall - this
  will re-write /etc/sysconfig/ipchains.
- "service ipchains start" and "service ipchains stop" will activate and
  de-activate the rules as specified in /etc/sysconfig/ipchains.



/* David Sainty,  Open Source Technology Researcher,  Red Hat, Inc. */
/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.redhat.com/    Facta Non Verba. */
/*       Registered Linux User #23207 - http://counter.li.org       */

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