Ron, is the T23 running linuxbios?  When I joined the list (though I 

later left) and was reading back-issues, I vaguely remember you as 

having said you  couldn't get it on your lappy due to IBM's chipset 

detail stinginess; has any/all of that changed, or am I perhaps 



I have access to a fairly largish supply of A22-M series, and as 

president of my local student ACM chapter (named Beta Iota Tau, 

nerdily enough) am desparately searching for more projects for the 

upcoming  semester/year.


Short Summary:  Does linuxBios work on your T23?  If so, can I have 

all the juicy (or at least some moderately damp) details?



-David H. Barr.


>thank you, that did it. I now have an HDAMA running as a 2-cpu bproc

> slave

>node, in 32-bit mode, with an IBM T23 laptop as the master.



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