Justin Cormack wrote:

>>On Sat, 23 Mar 2002, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
>>>I think we need the IDE spinup patch still.
>>by which I mean the IDE spinup patch for the linux kernel.
>>Allegedly you can try to put this in the command line:
>>which should force the kernel to wait for the disk to spin up.
>>Can you try that and let me know?
>Spinup patch does work. Trying the reset switch didnt, as it has no effect
>on anything. Nor does the power switch. I never did understand ATX power
>supplies, but how are these supposed to work?
>I notice that lspci doesnt see the USB controller. In the unlikely event that
>I need it, how do I turn it on? 
>I will try to find the clock chip to see what it is. The labels are rather
You probaly include the #define DISABLE_INTERNAL_DEVICE config option. 
Use normal BIOS to select
what ever internal devices you want. Use "lspci -xxx -s 0:1.0" to find 
out the value of register 0x7c of LPC
bridge. Change the line in "mov $0x7c0e, %ax" in sis/730/raminit.inc to 
the value your got.

    movw    $0x7c0e, %ax            # Writting undocumented LPC register
    /* Input: AH - register number. AL - register value. */
    movl    $LPC_BRIDGE_BASE_ADDR, %edx
    movl    %eax, %ebx            # Save %eax to %ebx.

    movzbl    %bh, %eax            # add register address to
    addl    %edx, %eax            # PCI base address

    movw    $PCI_COMMAND_PORT, %dx
    outl    %eax, %dx

    movw    $PCI_DATA_PORT, %dx
    andb    $0x03, %al
    addb    %al, %dl
    movb    %bl, %al
    outb    %al, %dx


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