On Saturday 06 January 2007 14:10, Mukund Deshmukh wrote:
> >GPS is a tool that merely provides you coordinates of your
> >current location. You can use your gps coords to extract info
> > about your current location from a GIS server. Most common is
> > name of the location. Knowing your coords 31.62004 74.87638 does
> > not really tell you that u are at the golden temple Amritsar.
> Are there any public map server which translate co-ordinate to
> location / map for Indian Region?

None Afaik. But with a foss aproach should be fairly easy to map. 
There are lists of co-ords for many important places in india. 
Also ihave coords of many areas with locations. Once we get the hang 
of things at the gis workshop i will be uploading all of that.


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