Vihan Pandey wrote:
It was intended to be a Govt. initiative that would add legal weight to
mails so that they don't get dropped or bounced, unless a particular
email address is blocked for other reasons. It would also provide
revenue to the postal dept. Inter-Govt. agreements at international
levels can go a long way to solve this problem.

If a goverment puts down a law that states only mails with this ``e-stamp"
or whatever can go through and others can't; and this legislation has to be
obeyed by all the ISP's of the country - well we would have quite a mess

That will not happen as we have gone beyond this stage. Email is too free and independent to be curbed like that. But a valid 'estamp' type technique could at least ensure that those mails are not dropped or bounced.

Any other method to solve the problem of mail delivery failures? :)



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