On 12/03/07 08:26 +0530, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On 11-Mar-07, at 9:42 PM, Raj Mathur wrote:
> >Do remember that even if the software is, e.g., GPL, there's no reason
> >why you should have access to it.  If I write a GPL software, only
> >the people I distribute it to have any any right to the software.
> >There is nothing in the GPL that states that I must make the source
> >available for download, modification and/or redistribution to anyone
> >except the people I distribute the software to.
> when government writes software with our money, they should be forced  
> to release it under a f/oss license - that is my contention. They  
> havent.

Or more like the US government rules, where software written by/for the
government is all public domain.

Devdas Bhagat
Marriage is the sole cause of divorce.


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