On 10/28/07, krishnakant Mane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 28/10/2007, Vihan Pandey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The person concerned went as a representative of FSF India and thus
> > should have left no stone unturned in making sure its ideals were
> > properly represented. However the person concerned failed in doing so
> I think it is very wrong to point fingers at a person who is so
> dedicated towards the mission without first trying to confirm facts.

Fact confirmation is a post damage situation and to assume that it
will be done by all the readers of the article is being extremely
naive. Insistence on pre-emptive prevention in the future is really
the only cure for situations like this.

> and this has been mentioned time and time again by yours truely as
> well as nagarjun as to who was the culprit.

Indeed and care must be taken that such things don't happen again.

> but even after all this if one person keeps on pointing fingers at the
> person in question then I can only say one thing.
> the freedom fighters might not be encouraged to take this as a good insentive.

Real freedom fighters do not need ``incentive" they have their cause
and they are willing to do what it takes against all odds.

> if my breafing started with the mention to fsf and the free software
> moment, and in my breafing to the press I did not even mention ones
> about the cost factor and after doing this (for me this is not a new
> thing), if people instead of bashing the press are going to talk
> roodly to the person himself,

As i have mentioned before action and consequence.

> then I modestly leave it to the readers
> to conclude if this is some thing a person wants to have some thing
> personal in the mission or ...

Hmm... no has so far said the article was a magnificent piece of art
and it met its objectives of educating the people about Free Software
and FSF(while crediting the GNU and Gnome projects as in this case).
IMHO that is generally the objective when an FSF representative speaks
to the press. More so when that person is ``experienced".

>I think firstly if I am feeling bad
> about a certain article, I would first talk to the known person in the
> circle who is well known promoter of "free software " and confirm what
> happened.

You ought to do more. You ought to take action on this and make sure
it NEVER happens again.

> I would also ask certain respected people if they have any idea about
> the real facts.

How many of the hundreds, or thousands or even probably millions who
have read that article have ``any idea about the real facts" or will
even bother? You still don't seem to get that. The damage has already
been done. Now start post damage operations.

> so if press made a mistake I would go to the source of that article
> and comment there if I was really by hart concerned about the problem
> and not to show some one "how great a freedom fighter I am ".
> I am not saying much because we must unite and fight the evils of
> proprietry software.

Learning how to deal with the media is a part of that objective and
you must educate yourself in the same. Harping about your experience
will not change that.

> but that's me, if this same thing would have happened with some one
> else, the situation would have been different.

How so?

> you see, after talking about all the free as in freedom aspect and
> confirming the same with the press, if people raise fingers at a
> dedicated person, then I doubt how many will sustain like I do.

If one sincerely believes in one's ideals then one has to stand the
test of torture at times to continue abiding by them. It has happened
to the best of men and women in the worst of times. Those of profound
character face these tests and emerge out victorious.

> I don't need credit for what I do because I am doing it for the cause
> and the freedom of the community, but at the same time disregarding
> some ones efords is also not very encouraging.

Then why do you react as if you do?

> the entire mis understanding started when the comments came on the
> glug instead of on the rediff page where the rediff guys are most
> likely to see.  that is what my colligue alpesh did because his anger
> was on the press and not on me.

Interesting. i would love to hear what Alpesh has to say on this.

>but on this email  I was the one who
> would be reading and rediff was most unlikely to read it,
> so who was the target?

Oh i believe i made that very clear.

> any ways I have written this email no to bash vihan or some one

Please feel free to react as you see fit and i shall respond in kind.

> (afterall his thoughts were the same as me except the words )

Please don't go about as if you can read minds. In all your mails you
have still not yet answered most of my questions.

>, but to
> clearify things so people can understand my strong reactions.
> if some one wants to hear my press breafing, please email me off the
> list and I will arange to send a cd.

Please do that and make sure the upper echelons of rediff also go
through it and make sure they apologise appropriately and after that
you can render your apology as well.


- vihan


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